Friday, September 5, 2008

(( Rain-rain go away! ))

(I don't really smoke)

So Summer is officially over, or so we are told. Although you would be forgiven for not actually noticing its arrival in the first place! Apparently we have had the wettest August since recording Weather conditions began. I'm not exactly shocked by this revelation. As I remember the terrible conditions of last year (2007) here in the UK, where flooding occurred in many parts of the country.

So onto more fun things, such as learning English, or in my case teaching it. I have just posted Lesson 35 onto my
Youtube channel and this time I'm talking all about making mistakes. I suppose we all must face up to the fact that making mistakes is a part of life. I doubt that anyone can say that they have never made a slip-up in their life. Fortunately most of them are small and are of little consequence. But what about the big mistakes? How many times have you wished that you could travel back in time and change the outcome of a situation that went wrong? I would guess that each one of us could name quite a few moments from our lives that we wish we could live over again.

I would never try to say that I'm a perfect person and I have dropped some big clangers during my time on this planet. Bad choices and wrongly chosen words make up most of my mistakes. But as I said in my video-lesson, we learn from mistakes, so we must accept them as a natural part of living. It would be true to say that we are more likely to forgive our own mistakes than those of others, but the feeling of regret for our wrong choices and cock-up's never fade. Such is the dilemma of the Human condition!



simon said...

Hi,Misterduncan,I live in baotou,but I never met you in this city.I very like your videos and I think you are a good English teacher.Welcome to baotou again.

Anonymous said...

Hi misterduncan
It's so nice to read something that you help you to reveise your lesson,
In fact you are son kind, you are doing all the best for us to improve our english I feel that really;)
Thank you again and take care.

Your faithful student
Nabil from Morocco

Anonymous said...

hello mr duncan, im neles from indonesia. now im 21 years old. when i study in yunior and senior high school i dont like english but now i got a spirit and motivation from you for to improve my are different with other theacher in my country. you are so funny